Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thanks to our Sponsors!

A very special thank you to our sponsors all over the world who have helped us in so many ways! Asante sana!


Baby Baraka is our youngest child at Malaika, and boy, is he tough! Baraka always picks himself up, dusts himself off and keeps playing no matter what. He has big deep eyes and is always looking for a new adventure.


Comfort wants to go to school so much! He will sometimes march determindly towards the road and announce his intention. "Shule!!" (School) Comfort loves motorcycles and he is very creative. He is an old soul who has developed very rapidly and is looking like he will be a very good student. So much so that we call him "The President"!

Baby Neema

Baby Neema is our welcome wagon here at Malaika. She will throw herself into your arms with all the love in her heart. She is starting to talk and her favorite word at the moment is 'atcha', which basically means 'no' and she has been singing it all over the house.


When Paulo started school, all the teachers fell in love him. He has a deep voice and because of it has a wonderful deep and throaty laugh and a beautiful singing voice.


Lisa is our wild child. She has had some troubles with focus in the past, but recently has been showing some real improvement. She has just started school and always comes home very jaunty and full of energy and enthusiasm.


Godbless is the resident policeman of Malaika. He is very quick to report wrongdoings or unfairness. He is also our resident monkey and his favorite jungle gym of choice is whatever new and unsuspecting person has arrived at Malaika. Godbless is very bright and has been getting excellent reports in school.


Sia was the first little girl to Malaika. She has just started school, and she says she loves it. She is a little shy, but inevitably everyone who ever comes to Malaika falls in love with her. In fact, when she first arrived we had to tell the volunteers to put her down, or she'd never have walked anywhere!


Helen is gentle and studied in everything she does. She is a bit of a loner, but she has adopted Baraka as her own. After school, he is the first person she approaches and she carries him into the house.


Samuel is our 'bishop'. Most of the time he is as serious as can be, but often he breaks into wild laughter. He loves getting into things, clothing, tubs of water, and of course, buckets...


Neema is a quiet and graceful angel. She is always looking out for the wellfare of the younger children, especially with her younger brother Samuel. She is doing well in school and shows great promise as a student.


Festo is our resident jester. He is famous for breaking anything that he gets his hands on. He loves attention and will do all manner of athletic feats after school while saying in english, "Look at me!!"


Betty is toddling around Malaika with purpose and joy. She always has a smile on her face and loves the quiet moments one on one best of all. She also loves to hold hands with the other children and can often be seen hand in hand with Baraka.


Fadhili is also in school and speaking a little english. He is very sweet and reserved and always helpful around the house. He keeps a very serious face most of the time, but was caught in a fun pre-nap moment.


Regina is in school and speaking very good english these days. She is dynamic, opinionated and loves to play Mama to all the other children.