Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Hans Family

Thank you Mr Deepahans and Family for your regular food donation to our center.

A Merry Christmas at the Rotary Club!!

Thank you to all members of Rotary Club of Mt Meru Arusha for
inviting the children to the wonderful Christmas party at Pentagon garden,
It was a fun day for everybody!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Noemi from Italy

Noemi taught the children how to bake a cake at Francesca's house! The children had so much fun with this new activity. Thank you Noemi!! Yummmm.

Christiane from Cairo

Thank you for visiting with us, Christiane (our volunteer from Cairo). And thank you for providing us with the wonderful new school supplies.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jutta and Christiane

Jutta and Christiane came to us from Berlin, Germany. They have spent five weeks with us, and we are so sorry to see them go! They have made such a big difference here for both the children and the staff. Thank you both so much!

Friday, July 16, 2010

"On 17th April, Michael & I hosted a Black Tie Dinner at "Buckeys Creek" Augathella, Australia to fund raise for rain water harvesting at Malaika. 32 of our loyal friends gathered at our home to enjoy a night of Tanzanian food and fun. The night included auctions of 3 paintings done by my friends, a Tanzanian table cloth purchased from The Blue Heron, and a Tanzanian shawl. We were entertained by 2 exceptional young girls whose talents were auctioned - one sang and one played the violin.

As well as an outline of the happenings at Malaika our friends were treated to fun games...prizes included a pair of maasai shoes for the winner of the thong throwing competition!

The night was financially rewarding with 4,000,000 TSH raised for Malaika. Thank you to our small community (population 660) for their generosity and support.

I was delighted to be able to inform Mama Jutta to proceed with the project and to purchase rain water tanks for Malaika. I cannot wait to return...."
-Mama Sue

Sunday, June 13, 2010

THANK YOU Mama Francesca!!

Our wonderful Mama Francesca organized a course for developing communication skills for the Malaika staff. They were informed as to what children are capable of at certain ages. For themselves, they were taught how to identify their own feelings, accept and express them in a safe way and decide what is needed to feel better. They were also trained to adapt a positive attitude to better deal with and understand personal stress and develop stress management skills. Thank you Francesca!

Our newest Volunteer, Marcia

Marcia is visiting us from England and plans to stay for the next couple of months. We are so glad to have her stay with us and help with the children's activities.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our Wonderful Volunteers!

Sharon is back home to Australia. She was helping a lot with farming and caring for the cows. We will all miss her very much.

Lise, Anna & Malene are volunteers from Denmark, Anna and Malene had to go back home but we are pleased that Lisa will stay at Malaika until June.

Willeke is back to Malaika, (much to our delight) and she is helping greatly with farm activities.
Beth was our volunteer from England, and she has had to head back home. She was helping us all here at Malaika by doing homework with children among other wonderful contributions.

Thank you so much to all of our gracious and generous volunteers. We just couldn't do it without you!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We are so grateful to Beppe, our veterinarian for taking such good care of our cows. Thank you Beppe!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Pictures for our Readers!

This first photo is a group pic with two members of Maisha Italy, Betty and Linda who visited Malaika with friends on Valentines Day.

The second pic is with Betty and Linda, Francesca and Jutta with the children of Malaika.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mama Jutta na Ng'ombe

Our lovely Mama Jutta attending to the Ng'ombe (cows); with the children of Malaika watching on. Jutta, we are so grateful to you for your generosity and your care. Much, much, love and many thanks to you.

First Birthday!

Our little Sarah celebrated her first birthday with us (and a big cake!) at Malaika. Happy Birthday to you, Sarah!

Civitanova Marche of Italy

The doctors of Civitanova Marche visited the totos all the way from Italy. Thank you so much for coming to see us. Asante!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Safari na Federica!

Federica, a previous volunteer, came back to Tanzania to visit us and took the children for an outing to the game reserve where they saw lots of animals.
The children had a very exciting and eventful day. Thank you Federica and

Christmas Asantes

This Christmas we would like to say very, very special 'thank you's (Asante sana) to Maisha Onlus of Italy, Our sponsors, our Volunteers, NIP Helping Onlus of Italy, and Family and Friends of Malaika from Tanzania and all over the world.

You have all helped to make Malaika a home for these children where they can all grow up in health and happiness. We are all so grateful for you.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Malaika Children's Home

Maria and Rafaella

At the end of 2009 we were very happy to have Maria and Rafaella with us. Maria came to us from the United Kingdom, and Rafaella; from Spain. Thanks to you girls for being with us and giving your time and love; and thanks especially for all of the presents and special treats! Above is a picture of Maria and Rafaella with the watoto, and below is Rafaella with the children.