Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Pictures for our Readers!

This first photo is a group pic with two members of Maisha Italy, Betty and Linda who visited Malaika with friends on Valentines Day.

The second pic is with Betty and Linda, Francesca and Jutta with the children of Malaika.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mama Jutta na Ng'ombe

Our lovely Mama Jutta attending to the Ng'ombe (cows); with the children of Malaika watching on. Jutta, we are so grateful to you for your generosity and your care. Much, much, love and many thanks to you.

First Birthday!

Our little Sarah celebrated her first birthday with us (and a big cake!) at Malaika. Happy Birthday to you, Sarah!

Civitanova Marche of Italy

The doctors of Civitanova Marche visited the totos all the way from Italy. Thank you so much for coming to see us. Asante!