Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First Holy Communion

On 14th October, Regina, Hellen, Neema, Zulfa and Paulo received their
First Holy Communion at Baraa Catholic Church. A small party was organised at Malaika for all the other children to celebrate with them. It was an amazing day and everybody enjoyed it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Animals and Cake!

The children have had lots of fun in the last few weeks. Firstly, Betty celebrated her 6th birthday. She enjoyed a delicious cake from Jutta and Francesca. It has also been Neema's birthday (second picture) and she turned 9 years old.  The children also enjoyed a wonderful trip to Arusha National Park during the school holidays. They really enjoyed playing and spending their holiday time with Francesco and Giulia who arranged that trip.

Our New Store!

The store project has now finished! We give warm thanks to Deepa Hans for all your support in coordinating the project. Everyone at Malaika is delighted with what has been achieved - thank you!! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Birthday Celebrations!

Happy birthday to Fadhili and Anna, a recent volunteer to Malaika. Anna has now unfortunately returned to Italy but everyone at Maliaka would like to thank her for all the care and support she offered. The children had a wonderful time learning circus skills and doing all the exercises with Anna and the teacher that she brought to Malaika. Thank you Anna!

Home Visit to Siaeli

Recently, Francesca and Winnie went to visit Siaeli at her school. Last year, Siaeli returned home to her family and is doing extremely well. She has lots of friends at school, is doing well with her studies and is happy as always!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The walls are up!

The construction of the store is coming along very quickly and everyone is getting very excited for its completion. Once again huge thanks to Mr Deepa Hans and Laura and Paul Commins for all their support.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Big thanks to Annika, a volunteer who recently came from Germany to help at Malaika. Annika was a wonderful help with the house activities and even taught the housemothers how to cook a German dish - Ratatouille. It was absolutely delicious and all the children and staff loved it - thank you Annika!

Construction work commences

The first phase of the building work for the store has begun! We would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Deepa Hans and Laura and Paul Cummins for all their support and help with co-ordinating the project - your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Happy Birthday Paulo and Lisa

There have been lots of celebrations at Malaika recently which has meant more chocolate cake for the children! We wish Paulo a happy 9th birthday and lisa a wonderful 7th birthday!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Safari and swimming!

During the Easter holidays the children thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Arusha national park where they got to see lots of giraffes. Thanks to Rosanna, one of our volunteer's from Italy, the children were also able to improve their swimming abilities during lessons at the pool. Thank you Rosanna for spending so much time with us and for making us smile :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Deuce, Love - 40!

The children recently had lots of fun learning how to play tennis when they visited Gymkhana.....now it's Festo's turn to serve!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Exam Time!!

Regina and Hellen have been busy preparing for the Standard Four national exams with their school friends. We wish you both and your class the very best of luck!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to Malaika Babies!!

We wish Febronia and Agness a wonderful 1st birthday. All the children were so happy to share this special day with them and help them to eat their delicious chocolate cake!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Volunteers!

Malaika Children's Home would like to say a great big thank you to Jeanine Roesner and David Fesser who came from Germany to volunteer for us. The love and care that Jeanine provided to the children was extremely valued. Likewise, David's carpentry skills has ensured that the cows can once again rest in their stable!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Malaika Football Club

Malaika Children's Home now has it's very own football team! Thanks to generous sponsors (pictured) the children have been kitted out with football strips and are ready to become Tanzania's next best footballers.....go team Malaika!

Growing Fast...

Malaika's babies are very healthy and growing up quickly thanks to all the love and care they are receiving from the House Mothers and our volunteers. So cute!

Safari To Tarangire

We thank our friends from Milan for arranging a trip with the children to Tarangire National Park as a special Christmas present. The children had lots of fun and enjoyed seeing so many animals. It was such a wonderful day for them all...thank you!