Monday, January 18, 2010

Safari na Federica!

Federica, a previous volunteer, came back to Tanzania to visit us and took the children for an outing to the game reserve where they saw lots of animals.
The children had a very exciting and eventful day. Thank you Federica and

Christmas Asantes

This Christmas we would like to say very, very special 'thank you's (Asante sana) to Maisha Onlus of Italy, Our sponsors, our Volunteers, NIP Helping Onlus of Italy, and Family and Friends of Malaika from Tanzania and all over the world.

You have all helped to make Malaika a home for these children where they can all grow up in health and happiness. We are all so grateful for you.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Malaika Children's Home

Maria and Rafaella

At the end of 2009 we were very happy to have Maria and Rafaella with us. Maria came to us from the United Kingdom, and Rafaella; from Spain. Thanks to you girls for being with us and giving your time and love; and thanks especially for all of the presents and special treats! Above is a picture of Maria and Rafaella with the watoto, and below is Rafaella with the children.