Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Completion of the Lufthansa-help alliance project

We have completed the report on the joint project: "Solar Power for Malaika"between the German Airline Lufthansa - help alliance and Malaika Childrens Home. The project enabled the Malaika childrens home to acquire and install additional solar panels, a solar powered refrigerator and lights and sockets for occasional electricity usage. The project has resulted in a big improvement for the Malaika children - we thank Lufthansa help alliance for their support!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Get Well Soon Hellen & Abraham

Hellen recently had an operation for an umbilical hernia and is recovering well. We give our thanks to Mama Sue for her support and big contribution towards Hellen's medication. Pole sana Hellen and thank you to all the nurses and Dr Maria at Selian Hospital.

Abraham also received some medication thanks to Mama Sue and he is doing fine. Thank you again to our lovely Mama Sue.